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Historical Brief

Our origin backs to March 1993 when KfW Bankengruppe establishes the first self-sustainable housing program for rural communities in our country, called Rural Minimum Housing Program (PVMR in Spanish), created as a support for low income rural families that were benefited by the Agrarian Reform, using guided self-construction as a work method. 

In 1992 the Urban Improvement Housing Program (PRIMHUR in Spanish) is implemented, also under KfW responsibility, aimed to fulfill housing financing needs for low income families residing in urban marginal communities.  

In 1999, after Hurricane Mitch made its way through our country, the Kingdom of Sweden joins these efforts through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) with a housing reconstruction program. Its goal was to complement PRIMHUR’s work, supporting the families that lost their homes because of the hurricane. 

With the purpose of making these programs more efficient and to create institutionality in the social housing sector of the country, in the mid-2001, an international agreement is subscribed between the German cooperation through KfW, the Kingdom of Sweden through Sida and the Honduras Government, approved through Legislative Decree No. 188-2001 published on December 13, 2001. As a result of this Agreement, the Foundation for Social Housing Development is created (Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Vivienda Social Urbana y Rural – FUNDEVI in Spanish).

Following the mandates of our founders, we are an independent financial institution with social interest, created to offer financing and construction assistance to improve housing conditions for Honduran low-income families, which aren´t considered as subjects of credit within our traditional bank system. 

From our beginnings, we have taken responsibility to carry forward the housing financing programs created by will of our founders, complying at all time to our constitutional statutes. 

After forty years, our achievements within the social housing sector in Honduras are proved with the grant of more than 83,000 credits, helping an equal number of families. These loans amount to 500,000 fellow citizens benefited with a decent house through the financing of more than US$ 297 Million.